Notes Beyond Ideas

Senin, 12 Juni 2017

A Comment for Cizek's Journal Article " More Unintended Consequences of High-Stakes Testing "

More Unintended Consequences of High-Stakes Testing

This writing aims to give a comment on the journal of Gregory J. Cizek about the unintended consequences of high-stakes testing, volume 20, issue 4. This journal published in 2001.

High-Stakes Test is any test that has major consequences or is the basis of a major decision. This test is a single, defined assessment, has a clear line drawn between those who pass and tho se who fail. This test also has direct consequences for passing or failing.

This  journal article explore the basis of negative sentiments toward and current critiques of high-stakes student testing from within the education profession. In attempt to provide some remedy for this and some balances to the policy debates, it  presents 10 unanticipated consequences that are actually good things that have grown out of the increasing reliance on the test data concerning student performance. Those unintended consequences are Professional Development, Accommodation, Knowledge About Testing, Collection and Use of Information, Educational Options, Accountability Systems, Educator’s Intimacy With Their Disciplines, Quality Of tests, and Increased Student Learning.

Actually, there are so many pragmatic complaints from people or society on high-stakes test. Some of them are disagree and expected that this test is better to be abolished, even some more are agree with this test. I think that this test has many benefits for the participants especially for students. One of the benefits is increased student learning.  Eventhough many assumptions mention that high-stakes test did not bring any alteration, only small effects on student learning, but at least level of student achievement is very risky with the presence of high-stakes test. We tend to see the temporary (short term) effects, such as merely passing exams than the whole (long term) effects for students. On the other side, students who take high-stakes testing program will significantly perform their best, and they are more confident to pass the test because they were having a lot of materials that served to learn before, struggling more intensive to study hard and work hard. They also having more knowledges than students who don’t take this test. We can’t deny that students who take high-stake testing are more potential and competitive with their efforts to achieve their goals. For the score, students who take this test obtain a higher score on other tests. All in all, high-stakes testing can improve students performance.


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